1st Semester Reflection

Quality of Work 

All of the pictures I took had good focus and contrast in them. Most of the pictures I took fulfilled the assignment. I had more interest in some projects than others which lead to some pictures having more details and thoughts going into them while making them. Almost all of my projects had the right resolution and formate besides my 3Doors project when i messed up the resolution. My projects where all posted on time, and i never used my first ideas for a project which lead to more creative ideas.


I don't really take pictures all the time unless i have a subject that i'm focusing on. I never chose the most convenient location to take my pictures at I normally try to find the best place that will really relate to the image. I put a lot of effort in most of my projects, for example my Blue Project. Even if i know a picture is going to be complicated i still try my best to create it. I never really give up on difficult shots especially if I know its going to turn out better than all the other ones. I have taken some risk while taking a pier shot because my camera almost fell multiple times into a lake. I have a pretty positive attitude when it comes to looking at others work because it gives me inspiration for future projects. Most of the time i'm pretty positive towards my projects except i still look at it as if it needs improving. 


I have never been late to class. I mainly use the whole period to work on projects except if i'm done, then i work on other classes work. I work by myself except for when i forget how to do a step in photoshop. I normally eat my food before i get to work but that only takes close to 5 minutes. I never get off task in class because i'm normally really interested in the project. 


Most of the pictures I take have their own style to then. One thing I could improve on might be learning more about resolution. I feel like most of my images catch peoples eyes and tend to have a good composition. I feel like most of my images are bold and kind of out there although I need to improve on stronger concepts.


Things i will do differently second semester are learning how to make background images clearer and also to learn about resolution and what edits work best with certain topics.  


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